Even with depression, you look like everyone else. When you're having a good day, it's hard for the rest of us to tell you are struggling. You can smile, laugh, and joke just like us; but inside your internal dialogue and view of the world is the not the same. Inside, dark and oppressive thoughts surround and dampen your feelings of happiness, but all we see is the outside mask.
Often when we offer our help, you don't tell us everything. You hold things back, worried to become vulnerable...worried we'll see the tangled mess inside of you and judge.
And that's what makes depression so dangerous. We know the dark place depression can take you, but we can't tell when you're headed down that path; so sometimes we aren't there when you need us the most.
Remember this when you find yourself spiraling down that dark road: We care and we want to help in any way we can. Tell us in some form how you are feeling. Wear a bracelet. (We have some available on our website.) Send a text or an email. Find a way to tell us, so we can help protect you from the lies of depression. A bad day doesn't mean a bad life.