You might think that success, wealth, and adoring fans could protect you from pain, but they can't. Pain is sneaky, and it will always find a way into someone's life, even if that someone is highly talented and successful.
That's where the problem lies. Pain hides in the shadows, so when we catch glimpses of other people's lives, we often can't see it. We see only what's thrust into the light, and we believe our lives should be just as happy. Then when they aren't, we get worried and discouraged.
Anthony and Kate must have been feeling very discouraged to do what they did. It's too bad they never realized the number of people who would have reached out to help them. Maybe then they wouldn't have chosen the wrong solution for their pain.
Suicide wasn't the solution for their pain. It never is.
Depression likes to lie and tell you that there is no way you can overcome the pain you are feeling in the moment. But it is wrong. Do you know how you can overcome the pain? Look at this picture.
There will always be people who will come alongside and help you through the pain. Always.
All you have to do is let someone know you are struggling. Then you need to believe what they tell you.
You are loved and needed.
You are not a burden.
You will get through this pain.
Pain is not a death sentence. It's a warning that it's time to reach out.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline (24 Hours) tel:1-800-273-8255