People in our lives can be clueless and cruel.
We do our best and get the short end of the stick, while others make wrong choices and seem to be rewarded.
It can be so frustrating, we lose hope. "Why try," we reason, "What's the point?"
If you hit the point where life seems to be getting more worse than better, and you're frustrated with your circumstances, take a hint from Disney's new movie, Frozen, and let it go.
These three simple words can help with so many situations.
Having trouble fitting in with the "It" crowd? Wish you were someone you're not, just so they won't whisper and stare as you walk down the halls?
Let it go.
Realize that you have an equal value to the people who put you down, even if you're different. Especially if you're different. Take time to find out what you have to offer the world that is unique to you. Then offer it, because no one else can.
Someone spreading a rumor about you?
Let it go.
Ignore it and act like you always have. If it gets back to you, state firmly that it's not true. Then leave it alone. Don't join in the rumor mill, because that only starts a vicious cycle. The calmer you act, the more people will question the truth of the rumor.
Parents on your case about something?
Let it go.
Refuse to let any angry words pass your lips. Remember that most parents want what's best for their families, so they must have a reason. Listen and answer politely, which will save you a lot of grief in the long run.
Didn't make Varsity?
Let it go.
Don't let it make you think you aren't good enough. Remember Michael Jordan? He didn't make the varsity team in high school, and we all know how his story ended.
When life throws you a curve ball:
Let it go.
Let it go.