New research shows our thoughts have a direct affect on our biology. According to a leading cellular biologist, Bruce Lipton, "Our minds will adjust our body's biology and behavior to fit with our beliefs." In other words, the more self-critical we are, the more our subconscious minds will work to convince us of our limitations and unworthiness.
On the flip side, the more we think positively about ourselves, the more our subconscious will work to bring about a positive change to our biology and behavior.
We may not have much control over our subconscious mind, but we do have control over the thoughts we feed it. Unfortunately, positive thinking doesn't just happen. It's something we have to do on purpose. It may feel funny and a little awkward at first talking kindly to ourselves, but it will make a huge difference in our lives. Still Skeptical?
Just look at this research done by Dr. Emoto on the power of words: