The problem is, handling our pain in this way won't work for us. The pain will remain deep, and it'll continue to tear us up inside. If we really want to stop hurting, we have to let go of the pain and stop hiding it.
Think of pain as a big bag of rocks. Hold that bag of rocks with an outstretched arm, and soon your arm with grow tired and painful. Keep holding on, and the pain in your arm will become excruciating. But set the bag down, and a great sense of relief will wash over you and the pain in your arm will be gone. There's always relief when the pain is gone.
Don't keep carrying around your pain and snapping at people because you're tired of it. Let it go. Bring it out in the open and let someone show you how to get rid of it. Sometimes you need extra hands to help you lift it out of the dark places you stuffed it. Aren't you tired of carrying that baggage around? Wouldn't you like something lighter to carry? Wouldn't today be a great day for relief?
Get rid of it, friend. It'll be painful at first, but it's so worth it. Take your first step. We'll be here for you.