Our brains are amazing things. They're the place where Inventions are created...dreams are made... ideas are discovered.
They're also the place where words are stored and replayed.
Words that have hurt our hearts and make us feel like we are not enough.
Words have incredible power.
They can take our world and shatter it in an instant.
Even more harmful than negative words spoken by others, are the negative words we speak quietly to ourselves.
I'm such a loser.
I can't do anything right.
What's the point?
Replaying these negative thoughts about ourselves over and over can cause us to believe we have no hope, even when we do.
The good news is we do have hope. We have value. We have a future, regardless of what anyone says against us.
Words lose their power when we control how long they stay in our minds.
The next time negative phrases start replaying in our minds, let's decide to get rid of them. With a simple twist, we can change them into something positive and get rid of their hurt and shame forever.
Let's change words of "You'll never amount to anything," into, "I know I have it in me to do something great. I'm going to find out what that is."
When we hear the word, "Loser," let's think, " I am uniquely made and I have a purpose meant only for me."
When we start to think, "I'm just too tired," let's say to ourselves, "I believe I have it in me to get through this."
Let's not be tied to the negative words we've heard. Instead, let's give away those hurtful words and grab ahold of the gift of acceptance. Let's fill ourselves up with positive thoughts and walk to a place of hope.