That's a good life lesson to learn, especially if you struggle with depression.
We all have them: people who truly love us in the midst of our junk. They remain loyal and help us, even when we aren't in a position to return the favor.
Sometimes they're family members.
Sometimes they're friends.
One thing's for sure: We can count on them to always be there... and then we bite their heads off.
You might not think you do this, but if you struggle with depression, you do. Believe me, you do. You don't mean to do it. In fact, you probably aren't even aware that you're doing it, which is why they forgive you so easily.
You see, depression makes you irritable. It makes you feel like you can't handle anything else. You get lost in your thoughts and your pain. Then when a little more pressure comes along, even if it's a simple question or comment from a person you love, your answer comes exploding out. It's simple physics really. An object can only hold so much pressure.
You don't mean to snap at people, and you're probably so lost in your situation, you aren't even aware that it's happened. But it has.
If you find people snapping back at you or asking why you're angry, you can safely assume that the stress you've been feeling about life has come exploding out at your family member or friend. Please don't argue back.
They love you.
In the middle of your mess.
Despite past mistakes.
Isn't that amazing?
Say you're sorry and you didn't mean for your words to come out that way. Then tell them you appreciate them, because you should. You're lucky to have people like that in your life.