How easy it is for our bodies to fall into the same routines over and over. Sometimes we don't even realize it's happening. Subconsciously, we're on autopilot. Scientists call it muscle memory.
Maybe that's why so many of us keep making the same mistakes over and over. When we are tired or stressed, our subconscious kicks in. It helps us do whatever we've always done, while our minds are preoccupied with worry. Unfortunately, we don't realize we're headed down the wrong path until it's too late.
Take this guy I know. Whenever he's stressed, he turns to his favorite numbing agent: beer. While he's busy worrying about issues, his body is reaching for the thing he's always reached for. This makes him feel better for a while, because the alcohol and routine give him comfort. However, the alcohol also causes him to be angry, which affects his relationships. The stress in his life continues and so does his pattern.
Maybe it's not alcohol which brings you comfort. Maybe it's relationships. Maybe it's the wrong type of boyfriend...a player. Someone who uses you. You get depressed over being betrayed. Your self esteem falls because you can't find a guy who really loves you, so you think you're unloveable. Next thing you know a guy comes sweeping in, a charmer who says all of the right things. He starts to make you feel better. Your family can see you are falling for the same type of guy, but you don't listen to them. You're on autopilot, reaching for the thing that's always comforted you in the past. The cycle continues.
All of us have mistakes we tend to make over and over. If we want to change those mistakes, we have to make a conscience effort to change the pattern. It won't feel comfortable at first, but choosing a different path will get us where we want to go. If we do this enough times, it will become a new pattern, a positive one, one that brings lasting comfort. My wish today is for all of us to be blessed with the strength to bring positive change to our lives.