Have you ever said that? Someone makes a comment to you because they're concerned about your eating habits, and you push them away by saying, "I'm fine." You know they're probably correct, but you don't want to hear it. You want to keep doing whatever you're doing, because it's giving you something you feel you need.
Like a smaller number on the scale.
A smaller jean size.
Comments from your friends about how "tiny" you look.
It's easy to convince yourself you're fine, because of the pretty package on the outside. But inside, you know something's not right.
You're tired.
You have dizzy spells and headaches.
Your stomach hurts.
Your body wasn't made to run on empty. It needs fuel to run smoothly, and when it doesn't get enough fuel, severe problems arise.
Plus, it's stressful having to worry about calorie counting and calorie burning! You wish you didn't have to worry about such things, so you could devote yourself to relaxing and having fun in the moment like others do.