I just want to feel accepted.
Why did I look away from you as you passed me in the hall?
I thought you didn't like me, and I just want to feel accepted.
Why did I get jealous when you were hanging out with someone else?
It made me feel like you didn't want to hang out with me, and I just want to
feel accepted.
Why did I snap at you when you lectured me at dinner?
You are always on my case and it hurts me deeply. I want to hear you
say something nice about me. I just want to feel accepted.
Why do I hang out with the "wrong" group of friends?
They listen when I talk to them, and I just want to feel accepted.
Why am I locked in my room, not wanting to spend time with anyone?
I'm feeling hurt and alone, and I just want to feel accepted.
Yes, I know...
My family loves me.
I have friends.
I was created for a purpose.
But sometimes I don't feel it.
Sometimes, despite what everyone says,
I look at my life and feel so lonely. Disappointed. Depressed.
And I just want to feel accepted.