While I was cleaning, I found a journal page, folded and hidden in the back of my closet. I knew instantly what it was, and I sank down to read the painful words. Line by line, I relived one of the hardest times of my life.
A wave of sadness washed over me. On the paper were things I didn't want to remember, painful things I wanted to erase from my life. I crumpled it quickly and tried to move onto other tasks, hoping to get rid of that suffocating feeling.
I didn't want to think about it. I was so naive then. So worried and scared...a desperate young girl trying to survive the battle. I had no idea how things would turn out, and I found myself thinking, "If only..."
If only I could go back and talk to that hurting girl and let her know what I know now:
You'll get through this.
Things will end better than you ever imagined.
You're going to be so happy and strong in the future.
I imagined myself reliving those moments with this knowledge. What a difference that would have made!
I felt the crumpled note in my pocket, and this time it felt full of promise, a promise that could lift me above what I'm facing and carry me through the tough stuff:
You can overcome.
I'm going to wrap this promise protectively around my heart and keep facing my challenges. I can overcome. I can overcome.
I can overcome.