My parents are angry, saying they've had enough
of old lame excuses and my trying to spin it,
when they know I leave everything 'til the very last minute.
"That's why you're stressed and not passing," they said,
"You'd feel better if you started it early, instead."
"School work and me just don't mix," I replied
"It's hard and it's boring, plus I'm stupid," I cried.
"Nonsense," they said. Then they gave me a frown.
"Everyone says this when they're feeling down.
Tackle it little by little. You'll see.
It will be so much easier, we guarantee."
"You want me to lose all my free time?" I mumbled.
My hand hit the desk and my school books all tumbled.
They looked at me, saying, "No, nothing that drastic.
You can still procrastinate," and I said, "Fantastic!"
"Just move up your homework a day or two before.
If you don't finish in time, you'll have a little bit more.
This way there's not a "Do-or-Die" situation."
They looked at me and smiled with obvious elation.
"Our house will be calmer," and then they added with flair,
"You'll be feeling relaxed and won't pull out your hair."
I looked at them shrugging, "All right, count me in."
(If I can procrastinate and be on time, then I win!)