They will criticize and gossip, making me think:
I'm a failure. I'm a failure. I'm a failure.
I wish they could see past my mistakes...past my appearance...past my history, and notice me for who I really am. I wish they would accept me. Is there a way I can get them to see me for who I really am?
Give them acceptance.
Sounds counter-productive doesn't it? Yet, it's so powerful. By speaking words of encouragement and forgiveness over others, we take our eyes off of our hurts and begin to recognize the value of who we are.
We are someone who is kind.
We are someone who accepts others.
We are someone who loves and encourages. We are the people we wish others would be.
It is said that we reap what we sow, and it's true. When we sow validation in others, we discover it in ourselves.
True validation comes from within, not from the perspective of people.
And one of the most beautiful gifts of this validation is the releasing from the disappointment we feel when others don't live up to role we'd like them to play in our lives.