But it's not healthier. Bottled up feelings can lead you to do some desperate things, like hurting yourself. Hurting yourself may provide some temporary relief from those intense feelings, but it doesn't solve problems. In fact, it can be hard to stop, and it can lead to complications that are life-threatening.
If you are hurting yourself, PLEASE SEEK HELP.
You don't have to feel this way. Start by talking to someone you trust. Talking about it is important because they can provide you with the support you need for coping. Talking also helps you feel better by getting those feelings off of your chest. You can talk with an adult in your life, or you can talk with someone at one of the hotline numbers below.
877-332-7333 Teen Hotline
800-273-TALK (8255)
The next time you feel the urge to hurt yourself, don't give in right away. Instead, spend some time doing other things until the urge passes.
•Exercise intensely : run, climb stairs, do push-ups
•Play a challenging video game
•Cuddle with a pet
•Draw or paint a picture that expresses your feeling
•Punch a pillow
Remember you are not alone.
Self-injury does not mean there is something wrong with you or that you are crazy. It just means you are struggling with your feelings and need some support. There are many kids, just like you, who have overcome this problem by reaching out. Find your voice and reach out now. You deserve to be healthy and happy.