Are you one of those lonely ones, friend?
Do you fear being alone forever? Are you worried something is wrong with you because you're single? If this is you, I have something to tell you. Life rarely turns out as bad as we think it will. Now before you throw your hands in the air and tell me I'm not helping you feel less lonely, hear me out.
Maybe It's What You're Focusing On
Our brains work in mysterious ways, and I'm here to tell you that whatever we focus on is what we tend to see.
Have you ever bought a car you’ve never noticed before and suddenly you see cars like yours everywhere? You noticed those cars because you programmed your eyes to look for them. The truth is whatever you think about, either positive or negative, is what you will see in your life. The more you focus on how you don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend, the more you will notice people who have girlfriends and boyfriends and the more powerful your feelings of loneliness will become.
Train Your Eyes
You probably have more love in your life than you realize. Train your eyes to notice it. Tell yourself that you are going to notice every situation where someone spends time with you. I bet you find you are not as alone as you think. Dog comes up and snuggles you in the morning... You are loved. Your sister gives you a hug and asks how you're doing.....You are loved. You hang out with your friends at Pizza Hut....You are loved. The more you focus on looking for love in your life, the more love you will see.
Eventually You Will Find What You Are Looking For
Once you've trained your eyes and shifted your focus, your thoughts and emotions will shift, also. You'll feel happier and more content. You won't be worrying so much about what you don't have, because you'll be focused on enjoying the relationships you already possess.
People are attracted to relaxed happy people, so before long someone will most likely reach out to you. And if you are focused, you just might find what you have been looking for.