Life is wonderful that way, full of twists and turns which can lead us in a totally different direction, if we choose to take them.
I find myself excited for the new year to begin. Perhaps its because of the promise it brings for new beginnings. Or maybe its because the past year has been such a hard one. Whatever the reason, there's nothing like finding myself at the beginning of an opportunity, especially an opportunity to change something negative in my life. And believe me, I'm ready for a change in some of those tired, hurting areas of my life.
So I stand here, trying to make a decision. A really small decision, because I know I won't be able to handle a huge commitment.
What little thing will I do to bring the change I want?
Will it be a little shift in a habit?
Will it be something little I do to build a relationship?
Will it be a small adjustment to an attitude?
My mind is full of possibilities, but I'm going to choose just one. Then I'm going to search for a source of inspiration, because I know I'm going to need it. And I so want to keep going.
Will it be a person?
Will it be a quote?
Will it be a tattoo?
Okay, probably not a tattoo, but it did cross my mind.
Now all I have to do is take that first step. Hopefully, this is the beginning for what will become one of the most wonderful years of my life. I cannot wait to see what happens. It'll be good.
As I begin this journey, I send you my warmest wishes for a hopeful and happy new year of your own.