What a great feeling it is to be free!
It's especially great to be free emotionally...but how many of us truly get to experience this freedom?
How many of us have built emotional walls when we've been hurt?
Or when we've been abandoned?
Or when we've been traumatized?
Walls are good for keeping harmful feelings out, but they're also good for keeping us trapped inside.
It's miserable to be trapped inside, realizing you're missing out!
Missing out on sharing who you really are...
Missing out on experiencing life at its fullest...
The only way to stop missing out is to begin braking down the walls.
Is there a wall you need to break down?
Something you've put up to protect yourself emotionally?
A wall of shyness? Alcoholism? Anger?
Take a chance and begin the process of breaking free. What a great day that will be...the day you are able to share with the world who you really are.