who we are." Bob Goff
What we believe about ourselves has a powerful impact on who we become.
I've seen it happen. People with limited abilities find themselves doing amazing things because someone they trusted told them they could.
Words are like that.
They have a power of their own.
A power that can change everything.
A power that opens doors.
Which doors we open depends upon which words we choose to believe...the negative ones or the positive.
Wilma Rudolph, an Olympic runner, chose to listen to the positive and her life was changed forever. "I used to think the words spoken about us describe who we are, but now I know they shape When she was four years old, she had a disease called polio, which causes people to be crippled and unable to walk. This is how she describes that time in her life:
My doctor told me I would never walk again.
My mother told me I would.
I believed my mother.
Wilma chose to believe the positive and was able to run into a bright future. Imagine what would happen if we chose to believe the positive words being spoken over us...
the changes that would happen...
the opportunities that could come...
Now before you start thinking you don't have anyone speaking good about you, I want you to stop and listen.
I bet there is a voice out there you've been ignoring, one that has complimented you and spoken words of hope.
You've just shrugged and thought, "They're just saying that."
You haven't believed what they've been saying.
Maybe it's time you did