Welcome to the club. "That's life," people will tell you. Life is a puzzle. One day it's going well and then all of a sudden...WHAM!! Crisis strikes and you just can't seem to get going again. You're stuck.
But knowing how life can be doesn't help make it any easier, does it, especially when your life is in pieces? So what advice do I have?
Use the strategy you use when you're putting together a real puzzle.
When you're putting together a real puzzle and begin to have difficulty, you take a break and focus your attention on another spot of the puzzle that is going well. After taking a break, you usually find that when you go back to the original tough spot, you look at things with a fresh perspective and can often find the solution.
What does that look like in real life?
Let's say you're having difficulty with a friend. You've tried and tried, but can't find a way to heal your relationship. In fact, the more you try, the worse it gets. Things with your family and other friends are going pretty good, however. So, you decide to focus your time on building and enjoying those relationships and ease up on trying to do things with your friend.
Does that mean you give up on your friend forever? No. It just means you won't try so hard. You won't worry about it constantly. You'll focus on filling your social needs with the relationships that are going well. After a while, you can go back and think about your friend again. You'll be in a happier frame of mind, making it easier for you to decide on the best way to restore your friendship.
You don't have anything good going on in your life?
Look again. No life is totally bad. There is always something good you can find, and if you have trouble thinking of something, ask someone close to you. They'll be able to tell you the positives in your life. There is hope if you look for it.