I hate it when people are treating me cruelly and I haven't done anything to them. In those circumstances it seems like nothing I do will help the situation. They are determined to hate me regardless of my actions.
Left to my own choosing, I often want to take the route of revenge. "If they treat me like this, then I'm just going to do this..." I do something to "teach them a lesson;" they get upset and do something in return. The cycle of hate continues.
I'm beginning to realize the best weapon against hate is kindness.
Let's face it; hate is a lack of love. So it stands to reason that if I put love into the situation, the hate will begin to disappear.
A smile to the person who's spreading rumors.
A kind word to the one who's yelling.
A refusal to get even with the one who's being unkind.
Fighting back with kindness is the best chance any of us have of stopping the cycle.
Do something wonderful, people may imitate it.”--Albert Schweitzer