Depression can be a dark, lonely place, but it is never without hope. Those who've struggled and conquered, know this hope is real. If you feel yourself spiraling down into the darkness, turn yourself around and take the first step toward healing.
Today, a reader shares a letter she wrote to her father after hearing he wanted to commit suicide. If you hear someone say they want to kill themselves, don't assume they're being dramatic. Seek help for them.
National Crisis and Suicide Hotline 1 800 + 999-9999 Dear Dad, I am writing this because before you went to bed you said you were going to kill yourself. Why in the world would you do that? I don't think you realize how valuable your life is. Your family needs you. We love you, dad. The main reason you are still alive today is because you have a job to do. God isn't ready to let you go yet. You have a job to a father. I don't think you understand how much your family needs you, and that's what matters most. Not your job. Not money. Not alcohol. None of that matters. Your family is your purpose in life. Just because we get upset sometimes and quiet and don't wanna talk to you or whatever doesn't mean we don't love you. You are very loved. You don't know this, but I pray for you and for us everyday. I love you, dad. You are a huge part of my life. I want you around for a very long time. I need you, dad. I will do anything to get you happy and healthy. I will buy you a gym membership. I will buy you healthy food. I will go to a church group or Alcohol Anonymous with you. I will do anything, dad, because I love you. You are an important part of my life. Please stop this mess and try to get healthy. Your family loves you and needs you. Love, Your daughter It's been a long week at the hospital. Waiting. Worrying. Wanting. And I have to admit, I'm tired of being here again.
This "pick yourself up by the bootstraps and keep going" girl is weary. So I'm just sitting here, waiting and letting my thoughts turn to those of you who are stuck in the hospital and are weary, too. And I send you my blessings. Blessings... To you, the one who is hurting and hoping for healing. To you, the one who is pacing in the hallway and pouring your heart out to God for a miracle. To you, the one who is sitting by the bedside, spending long hours in an uncomfortable chair so you can comfort another. To you, the one bringing flowers... and prayers... and smiles... and hugs... and snacks...and words of hope. This is my deepest, heart-felt wish for you: May you keep the faith and find the strength to conquer the battle. Can I be real with you? I looked at Facebook today and a small part of me wanted to cry. Things have been really hard lately, and my fragile heart could hardly look at all those posts.
Look at how much fun they're having. She has so many friends. Everyone likes what he has to say. A part of me drooped with sadness. I imagine we all have times when we look at the lives of others scrolling down our screens and feel like they are doing things so much better. Times that make it easy to feel like we've failed somehow and our lives will never be as great. It's a huge mistake to think the whole of our lives can be determined by Facebook's three small buttons. Life doesn't need "likes," "shares," or "comments" to be meaningful. In fact, some of the most meaningful moments in our lives seldom get displayed. The sacrifices and persevering. The learning from mistakes. The little heroic moments that go unnoticed. Facebook is limited in its ability to show the fullness of our lives. We should never doubt the quality of our lives. Life doesn't need "likes" to be meaningful. Magical things happen in the darkness, but we seldom see it when we're hurting.
Maybe it's because things happen in the dark that bump up against our tender spots and make the tears flow easily. The pain causes us to focus on what we lack... Not enough love. Not enough strength. Not enough talent. Not enough money. Not enough beauty. Not enough support. We build walls and cocoons around ourselves, afraid of the future....afraid to press on....afraid to hurt. We don't realize that with the light comes the realization that we had what we needed all along. And we'll be changed. We'll emerge from our darkness with new dreams. New compassion. New endurance. New awareness of the good things in life. We'll emerge from the darkness with a stirring inside us, a stirring to tell others that there is a peace on the other side that's worth fighting for. We'll tell them: Don't give up. Don't ever give up. Don't ever stop trying. Even if you feel like life will be dark forever, it won't. Good things are waiting. Press on the best you can, and never, ever give up. |
AuthorSherry Krueger Categories
November 2015