It especially common to feel overwhelmed when you're a teen, when your emotions race into overdrive, and your head fills with deep questions such as: "Who am I? What am I supposed to be doing? Why do I feel like this?"
Having no sense of who you are or where you're headed can be scary, but it doesn't mean your life is a hopeless disaster. It means you've matured enough to become aware of the uncertainty in life.
This uncertainty creeps in on all of us, darkening our future with its shadows.
Shadows can hide possibilities, but they can't hurt us.
That's what I remind myself when I start to worry. I turn on my music and begin to sway, singing praises for the good and whispering prayers for the future. It's how I stay calm when I'm facing the unexpected.
"Something better is waiting for me," I tell myself, "and someday I'll find it. I'll find it once the shadows pass."
It's okay if I don't have all of the answers right now. I'll keep hoping, and listening, and moving in the right direction, reminding myself that life is like a roller coaster. There are ups and downs, steep turns and corners, but none of them last forever. The ride eventually levels out and I'll be able to find my bearings again.
You'll be able to find your bearings again, too, my friend.
You're young and have many shadows to walk through on your journey. Some shadows will be short and others will be long, but all of them will be temporary. Don't be afraid when they keep you from seeing your future clearly. Everything will be better once they pass. You'll find answers to your questions when the timing is right.
In the meantime, take time to laugh and be thankful for the good things in your life. Nothing is wrong with you if you are feeling a little lost and overwhelmed. It's just a stage of life - a normal reaction to an uncertain phase. Listen to the mentors in your life and seek help when you need someone to help you hang on.
Something better is out there for you, just waiting to be discovered. One day you'll find it.