We have only a few hours to give some serious thought about whether or not we're going to take 2015's offenses into even 5 minutes of 2016.
Excitement is beginning to build.
We can decide what we want to carry into our new year?
The thought of walking into a fresh, clean year without the hurts from the past makes me excited.
Yes, I know some of the difficult issues in my life will remain, and they will continue to hurt me at times. That's just how it is. But walking into the new year without any worry distracting me will enable me see a world of possibilities ahead. It'll give me some hope.
When hope comes in, it pushes out the darkness and makes the heart light.
It whispers what no one else can hear.
It says, "You can turn it around."
You’ve got this.
You can break that habit.
You can repair those relationships.
You can feel happy again.
Hope is the ingredient that brings dreams to pass.
We can’t live without it.
That's why I'm walking into the new year with hope.
I'm grasping it tightly, and I'm letting go of that other stuff:
Every offense and hurt.
Been there. Worried about it. Done.
Hope makes me smile. Hope pushes me forward. Hope scatters joyful seeds of possibilities all over my future.
It's a wonderful word.
It's a perfect word for 2016.
It's a word I'm willing to share if you'll join me.
Take a paper and write down everything that's causing you pain and worry. Label it 2015.
Fold the paper and rip it into a million tiny pieces. Okay, I'm exaggerating, but it'd feel good, wouldn't it?
Now take another paper and label it 2016.
Look at the lovely emptiness, so full of possibilities.
Yes, good things are in store for both of us. I can feel it.
As Christopher Reeve once said, "Once you choose hope, anything’s possible."
Welcome to the year of possibilities, friend. Happy 2016.