Only it didn't feel silly.
Many people taking medicine struggle with the embarrassment of having to take it.
"The first time my parents took me to see a physiologist, she asked me how I felt about taken medications. I was horrified by the idea, horrified by the idea that the medication might help me do something I couldn't do on my own - get better. I felt that if I took medication, I was weak. I didn't judge others that took medications, but for some reason, I felt that if I myself took them, it meant I was weak." Emma
Why do we worry about people seeing us as weak when it's not true? Medicine has nothing to do with building up our character.
When we run, eat healthy, or work out, people applaud our efforts in taking care of our health. It should be the same with taking medicine. Taking meds is just another way of taking care of our bodies and staying healthy.
It's time to fight the stigma.
I'm going right now to the bathroom and place the bottle back on the counter where I can see it. If someone asks about it, I'll shrug and tell them it's something I need to stay healthy.
I'm into being healthy these days.