Weary of carrying my story alone.
So I want to share it, if only to get it off my shoulders for a little while.
To have someone affirm how hard it must be.
And to hear a few hopeful words to let me know they see me. They hear me. They care.
I just need someone to be present and really listen.
That's why I love my Lifegroup. It's a group of people from my church who are there for me when I need it. They lovingly help me carry my load, and I lovingly lend a hand to carry theirs. It's nice doing life together.
It wasn't easy reaching out to them, because I was afraid of not fitting in. But I'm so glad I took the risk.
There's a group out there for you, too. Waiting and hoping you'll take the step. They want to help you with your story. They want to ease the load off of your shoulders. You'll be a perfect fit.
And you'll find someone to listen...when you need it.