There is so much hope tucked inside of that word.
New supplies.
New ideas.
New start.
One small seed of "new" can harvest a whole lot of change, which is why I'm running into this new school year with confidence. As Ralph Marston said,
What you do today can improve all of your tomorrows.
Since I want this year to be a great one, I'm already putting some positive things in place to get myself ready.
Organizing a Study Space
I don't want to fall behind this year in my written work, so I'm organizing my study space. I've made sure it's away from distractions and I've stocked it with supplies. I've even picked up a couple of display boards so I can have them ready for projects. I think being organized this year will help prevent some of my stress when things get really busy.
Finding What Resources Are Available
I've also been doing research on my computer to see the resources my school has available. You can do this, too. Check to see if your teachers have websites where they post assignments and see if your school has a homework hotline. I've bookmarked my favorite resources, so I can remember them if I start to get overwhelmed.
Thinking Positively
Instead of walking into my school and remembering the stressful things that have happened, I want to walk in and see new possibilities. That's why I've already started preparing my thinking. Every time I feel myself start to stress, I think, "Things are going to be better than I expect." When my self-esteem starts to dredge up old fears, I remind myself, "God made me and loves me just the way I am. My value isn't based on the thoughts of others."
Taking Time to Laugh
One of the things I love about summer vacation is how often I laugh. It feels good to laugh, forgetting about everything else. I savor these times and hate to see them end. That's why I'm making sure I plan time in my schedule to have fun. I'm saving time on Monday nights to meet with friends. I'm planning some fun activities in the Fall. I'm making sure I continue to enjoy things, even after school begins.
Sound the bell and start the race; I think I'm ready. No, I know I'm ready. I'm ready for a new year.
New possibilities.
New changes.
New hope.