It gave me a complete and utter sense of isolation and loneliness. Its debilitation was all-consuming, and it shut down my mental circuit board. I felt worthless, like I had nothing to offer, like I was a failure. Now, after seeking help, I can see that those thoughts, of course, couldn’t have been more wrong.
What's nice about Kristen being open about her depression is how it gets people talking. By "talking" I don't mean the gossipy kind of talking, but the kind of talking that leads to better understanding. And if there is any group of people that needs better understanding, it's the group of people who feel they have nothing to offer.
If you or a friend are struggling with depression or feelings of hopelessness, let someone know. Depression is a problem that has many solutions, and as Kristen Bell said in her article:
There’s nothing weak about struggling with mental illness. You’re just having a harder time living in your brain than other people. And I don’t want you to feel alone. You know what happens when I visit my doctor regarding my mental health? He listens. He doesn’t downplay my feelings or immediately hand me a pill or tell me what to do. He talks to me about my options. Because when it comes to your brain, there are a lot of different ways to help yourself.