Who else would challenge us to try things that are beyond our comfort zone?
Let go of our bikes after taking off the training wheels ?
Throw us in the pond to teach us to swim?
Give us chores to teach us responsibility?
Dads push us harder than we think we can handle.
They play with us until we burst with laughter.
They support and protect us when we need it.
Research says that having an involved, loving dad makes us more likely to do well in school, have healthy self-esteem and show more empathy.
Our hearts say that we feel good having a dad that loves and believes in us.
For all of the dads out there who have taken time to guide and love us, paced the hallway with worry, acted crazy to entertain, waited up to make sure we're safe, and tried to give us the best advice they could, we say thank you.
You are truly loved and appreciated.