Parents die. Relationships fail. We flunk important tests or don't make the team.
It can be hard when life throws us curveballs. After some of these unexpected curveballs this week, I find myself tired... tired to the depths of my bones from all of the emotions. They've been bouncing me around like a ping pong ball, jostling me between hope and sadness; courage and humiliation; determination and failure. To be honest, I wish I could go to bed and stay there a month, sleeping and regaining some composure.
But I hear a soft, little voice reminding me that each step of my journey will bring new things: new opportunities, new decisions, and new challenges.
"With each step you'll get braver," it says.
"But what if I don't have the courage to take another step?" I reply.
And that's where I'm at, thinking and wondering about strategies I can use to get me through the week. And here's what I've decided:
- I'll surround myself with friends, friends who can speak wisdom into my life. And I'll listen to them.
- I'll believe I am worthy and loved no matter what, and I'll remember those words when I'm beginning to feel rejected. When something I do fails. I'll remind myself that what I DO is not ME. I am not the failure.
- I'll get out of my comfort zone and face the challenges, even though I know I may "blow it." And if I do make a mistake, I'll pray God will help me learn from it and give me all I need to turn the challenge around. He's good about things like that.
As I sit here, I wonder: Do any of you have a good way to deal with the onslaught of challenges? I'd love to hear about it.