Demi Lovato - Actress Ashley Judd - Actress Brooke Shields - Actress Drew Carey - Actor Emma Thompson - Actress Harrison Ford - Actor (Indiana Jones) Heath Ledger - Actor (Batman) Hugh Laurie - Actor (House) Jim Carrey - Actor (Ace Ventura) Rosie O’Donnell - Actress
Famous Leaders & Thinkers
Buzz Aldrin - Astronaut Diana, Princess of Wales J. K. Rowling - Author of Harry Potter Abraham Lincoln - 16th President of US Teddy Roosevelt - 26th President of US Sir Isaac Newton - Mathematician and Physicist (Newton’s Law) Charles Schultz - Creator of Charlie Brown Winston Churchill - British Prime Minister Mark Twain - Samuel Clemmens who wrote Tom Sawyer
Singers & Performers
Billy Joel - Singer and Musician Sheryl Crow - Singer and Musician Elton John - Singer and Musician Ray Charles - Singer and Musician Janet Jackson - Singer and Musician
Sports Figures
Terry Bradshaw - Football player Greg Louganis - Diver & Olympics medal winner Amanda Beard, American Swimmer and Olympic Gold Medalist