This story is from one of our supporters. She has had some bad things happen in her life, but is working to turn it around and lead a positive life. She is valuable just the way she is. So are you. Read her story.
I'm a 16 year-old girl who now lives in Brisbane, QLD. I would like to share my story with you, even though it ruined my life and still is in a way. When I was two or three years old, I was touched by my brother, and not in a good way. I remember the exact day. It happened on a regular basis. I was afraid to speak up, so it happened until I was 9. I got post-traumatic stress disorder.
I went to school and everyone bullied me because I was so quiet and would not talk to boys at school. Meanwhile at home it wasn't so great either. My brother started getting really violent and my other brother was getting in with the wrong crowd. Mother took in street kids, and my sister and I saw a lot of stuff we shouldn't have as kids.
When I hit grade 8, I went to a different school than all my friends and it was hard. I would do anything to fit in. By grade 9, I was having major troubles at home and school. At school I was getting bullied and at home my mother had a boyfriend and all he cared about was smoking weed and my mother, so I felt left out.
Because of the stress, I started smoking, then cutting. I also started wagging school, drinking, smoking weed, and running away. Last year I started school again and getting my act back together. I'm now on depression tablets. I don't drink, smoke weed, cut, or run away. Everything I used to be is gone. I still have some major problems with boyfriends, but I have not stopped helping myself. It took me several tries to find the right therapist. So don’t give up. Keep trying because you can feel better. I'm also getting good grades in school. Don't think miracles don't happen because I got a second chance in can, too.
I'm a 16 year-old girl who now lives in Brisbane, QLD. I would like to share my story with you, even though it ruined my life and still is in a way. When I was two or three years old, I was touched by my brother, and not in a good way. I remember the exact day. It happened on a regular basis. I was afraid to speak up, so it happened until I was 9. I got post-traumatic stress disorder.
I went to school and everyone bullied me because I was so quiet and would not talk to boys at school. Meanwhile at home it wasn't so great either. My brother started getting really violent and my other brother was getting in with the wrong crowd. Mother took in street kids, and my sister and I saw a lot of stuff we shouldn't have as kids.
When I hit grade 8, I went to a different school than all my friends and it was hard. I would do anything to fit in. By grade 9, I was having major troubles at home and school. At school I was getting bullied and at home my mother had a boyfriend and all he cared about was smoking weed and my mother, so I felt left out.
Because of the stress, I started smoking, then cutting. I also started wagging school, drinking, smoking weed, and running away. Last year I started school again and getting my act back together. I'm now on depression tablets. I don't drink, smoke weed, cut, or run away. Everything I used to be is gone. I still have some major problems with boyfriends, but I have not stopped helping myself. It took me several tries to find the right therapist. So don’t give up. Keep trying because you can feel better. I'm also getting good grades in school. Don't think miracles don't happen because I got a second chance in can, too.